Cold and Snow Couldn’t Stop Celebration of Community Heroes
The Ferris Ballroom at the Hilton Garden Inn of Troy was filled with warmth and love for the I Love Unity House Gala on February 10th.
It was a chilly night (with some snow!) but that did not keep guests, sponsors, donors and honorees from getting together to honor and celebrate all the good that is within our midst.
Unity House was proud to honor the Grace in Action volunteer from Grace Fellowship, the Muslim Soup Kitchen Project, and Brad Shear of the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society. All three organizations are made up of wonderful people who are valuable community partners in the work of helping people in need. Each had the opportunity to speak briefly about their work with Unity House. It’s apparent that when we work together, we can get amazing things done. Unity House is grateful for the many supporters who help make life better for people in need.

Congressman Paul Tonko attended the gala and was kind enough to speak to the important work of Community Heroes and their impact at Unity House and beyond. The event was the first major event since the passing of one of Unity House’s founders, Mary Jane Smith. Congressman Tonko and CEO Chris Burke both recognized the impact of Mary Jane Smith, who dedicated her life to respecting the inherent dignity of all people, a legacy that Unity House strives to carry out every day.
Unity House is grateful to our sponsors who made this event possible, to the many local businesses and people who donated items for a great silent auction, and to fab LIVE auctioneer Victoria Baecker of CDPHP for leading us in a rousing mission auction to raise funds for needed items. Special thanks to Twill and Collar City Sweets for having Pop Up Shops available for warm and delicious Valentine’s Day gifts. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped set up, run (and clean up!) a wonderful event. The evening was a success for Unity House and helped raise awareness about the work of the amazing staff of Unity House and of the issues faced by the diverse body of consumers who access Unity House programs and services.
For more information on our event and how you can be a part of something good, contact us at giving@unityhouseny.org.