Rensselaer County Legislature Commends Unity House
On the occasion of Unity House’s 50th year of making life better, the Rensselaer County Legislature passed a Resolution recognizing the value of this work. The resolution was passed unanimously and a copy was presented to Unity House CEO Chris Burke.
Unity House is grateful for this recognition and for the work of the County Legislature. Along with other stakeholders, county legislators help make Rensselaer County a great place to live and work. Their efforts remind us that it is often neighbors working with neighbors that has the biggest impact on our daily lives.

Thank you to the Rensselaer County Legislature and the Democratic Minority Caucus, who sponsored the resolution, for this honor. Pictured here: Mark Fleming, Bobby Burns, Erin Sullivan Teta, Carole Weaver, Cindy Doran, Chris Burke, Noreen McKee, and Peter Grimm.
A Legacy of Caring
Unity House was founded as a non-profit human services agency in the summer of 1971. Current programs and services evolved from the early days when founders Mary Jane Smith, Peter Callaghan, and Regis Obijiski committed to living in a poor neighborhood in Troy, NY to better understand the needs of people living in poverty. Their commitment to social justices inspires and guides us still. Today Unity House has scattered sites in Rensselaer County and beyond making Unity House a Capital Region force for good.
For more on Unity House’s history, read here or watch our video. To learn more about our offering, including opportunities to volunteer, please call Diane Cameron Pascone, Director of Development at (518) 274-2607 x4133 or email DCameron@UnityHouseNY.org