Generous Donation Kicks Office Season of Giving
Monday, November 14th kicked off Unity House’s Children’s Holiday Program, an initiative that fulfill Wish Lists of more than 1,000 children across Unity House sites and programs. CIS, the Center for Internet Security, joined in to get things started in a BIG way. CIS demonstrates their commitment to philanthropy by combining action with giving. Their CARES team dedicates itself to support local causes, focusing on Community Animals, Resource Conservation, and Education.
The C part of that is in full force at Unity House: CIS donated their skills by hosting a class for Unity House staff and guests on the topic of cyber hygiene. They have donated laptops, volunteered, and helped make a gift of $7,500 to Unity House’s Children’s Holiday Program.
This generous support is very much needed and appreciated. Unity House has seen more demand given the rising costs. Food alone has risen almost 13% compared to this time last year. This means families in poverty are sometimes forced to make painful spending trade-offs, leaving little room for emergencies, much less items like new toys for children at holiday time.
We are grateful for CIS and all they do to help local causes. You can see more about our Children’s Holiday Kick-Off here.
It’s not too late!
You can ‘adopt’ a child’s wish list, donate new toys and necessities, or donate gift cards and help make a difference. Questions? Call Mandy at (518) 274-2607 x4139
New toys and new items can be dropped off weekdays at either location:
2431 6th Ave in Troy
339 Broadway in Menands, at Northeast Career Planning at Unity House.