High temperatures or not, we are planning for the holiday season
Unity House elves and volunteers are already planning for the busiest time of the year: December, when we help coordinate gifts for over 1,500 children across Unity House programs.
Easy Ways to Help
- Get involved by making a gift to our Children’s Holiday program.
- Host a Toy Drive- be the collection point for your friends, coworkers, extended family and collect new toys, games, books, balls, bikes, boots, coats and snuggly winter jammies. We can get you started with flyers and we’ll pick up the toys!
- Go Shopping- tell us the gender and age range of children you’d like to shop for. We’ll provide a child’s Wish List that details two wants and two needs. In this way, you can have a direct connection to a child in need. Many families choose this option as a way to model charity for their children and we are thrilled to see such caring and generosity!
These are children of all ages- from toddlers residing with a parent in our shelter for victims of domestic violence, pre-schoolers at Unity House’s educational services program, A Child’s Place; teenagers whose parents need our food pantry, and grade school kids who come to our thrift store in need of a coat for winter. Serving so many children is a tremendous undertaking, and we could not do it without the help of people who pitch in at a special time of year.
Also key are the community partners, like neighboring non-profit CEO. Together, we operate a holiday store where parents have the dignity of choosing among toys, games, books and coats to find just the right item their child. Picking out a gift free of charge ensures children will receive a gift they can use and want to play with, and parents know what their children are opening at holiday time.
In whatever way you help at holiday time, thank you.
For more information, contact Mandy at (518) 274-2607 x4139 or events@UnityHouseNY.org