Addressing Food Insecurity Pantry by Pantry
CAP COM and their members made a commitment to make food insecurity a priority. They kicked off a widespread initiative to collect needed items for pantries across the Capital District.
This was not a “one-and-done” donation. Over weeks, CAP COM coordinated the distribution of non-perishable goods collected at branches and also purchased for pantries. The items went to area food pantries that serve families facing food insecurity.
At a time of year when shelves can look especially bare, their support was welcome relief. Seeing the CapCom van pull up and unload box after box of shelf-stable food was a quite a sight! But imagine our surprise when the most recent gifts were delivered by Paula Stopera, CEO of CAP COM. It was a thrill to see Paula stop by and thank her in person for the generous gifts provided by CAP COM and their caring members and staff. This direct support and raising awareness of the issue of Food Insecurity is very much appreciated.

Seen in photo: from left Paula Stopera, CEO of CAP COM; Amy Halloran, Food Security Case Manager at Unity House; and Danielle Carusone from CAP COM.
Special thanks to CAP COM, their branch staff, the CAP COM Foundation, and most especially their members who took the time to purchase and donate food to a truly special community food drive. Many thanks to all!
For more information on how you can help address food insecurity, consider volunteering or making a gift in support of Unity House emergency feeding programs. You can contact Diane Cameron Pascone, Unity House’s Director of Development, to learn more: DCameron@UnityHouseNY.org or (518) 274-2607 x4133.