Free class at work a benefit to Unity House staff
The Unity House workforce is spread out in a lot of ways. Now matter how diverse and dispersed, there is one thing every worker has in common: concern about finances.
Like mental illness, domestic violence, poverty, or other issues that Unity House staff deal with every day, there can be shame around finances. Shame can be attached to debt and there can be stigma around a lack of knowledge. At Unity House we are dedicated to removing the shame from conditions, especially ones you are actively seeking help with.
Knowledge is Power-and busts stigma!
SEFCU and their Institute for Financial Well Being have been a great asset to Unity House staff. Through their ‘train the trainer’ method they gave Unity House’s Diane Cameron the tools to pass on to people so they can take control of their finances. Let’s face it: managing finances, especially when you aren’t in an ideal position, can seem overwhelming.
Free training at work has proven to be popular at Unity House. It’s a safe environment, among trusted colleagues. Without divulging personal information, it’s a chance to ask questions and learn about available tools and strategies. Feedback has told us that people appreciate this benefit and that it removes the fear and stigma around finances.
For more information on SEFCU’s financial well being options, check out their website here. To see how Unity House has been able to benefit, read more here
Change Your World – Success snapshots_Unity House
A reminder that Unity House’s Diane Cameron teaches on other topics as well. If your workplace or group could benefit from training on topics such Effective Communication, Board Practices, or on the topics that Unity House deals with such as food insecurity or domestic violence, please contact us at (518) 274-2607 x4133.