Kindness starts with you
That’s what the Morning of Kindness is about: You, doing something kind. Ideally with your family, and maybe on the morning of Christmas Eve.
The all volunteer group made it easy to spread some kindness on the morning of December 23rd. Participants checked out the Morning of Kindness website or Facebook page and thought about what they wanted to do as a family. Some chose stocking a family room at the Ronald McDonald House, some chose to go caroling at a local hospital, others collected diapers and other baby essentials for Unity House.
On the morning of Saturday, December 23rd, a day Unity House is not normally open, volunteers who learned about the needs of our consumers, came to Unity House as part of the Morning of Kindness. It was so nice to welcome families who took the time to learn about local needs and responded in force. Unity House is so appreciative of these gifts and the work of the Morning of Kindness project that spreads awareness about the needs of area non-profits and makes it easy for people to make a difference.
Many thanks to everyone who helped make the Morning of Kindness a success.
You can read more about the group and how it was started in this Times Union article.