The most wonderful time of the year: when kids go back to school
For parents, this time of year can be both good and bad: children are going back to school where they’ll learn, have structure, and access to breakfast and lunch. But what if you already struggle to meet the needs of your family? Shoes for growing children, new clothes as the seasons turn and children grow, and new school supplies can make for painful spending tradeoffs. For families who come to Unity House, school supplies like backpacks, notebooks, pens/pencils, folders, and art supplies are some of the most requested items at this time of year.
Fortunately, super fans of Unity House, our local TJ Maxx in the Van Rensselaer plaza shopping mall understand how to help in a fun way. Together they collected dozens of backpacks and all the things a child could need and want to have a successful academic school year. They may seem like little things like crayons, glue sticks, and magic markers, but to a child excited to start school, they are the keys to big, wide world full of possibilities.
Many thanks to everyone at TJ Maxx who helped supply school goodies to children in need. When you stop in their store, please tell them thank you and tell them we sent you.
Interested in helping out?
Consider having your own drive for school supplies or other needed items. Many Unity House programs have needs that can be met by collected pantry goods, toiletries, new socks/undies, and more. Collection Drives make a great youth or service group project. Contact us at (518) 274-2607 x4134.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you!