Do you post reviews online? It seems to be the ‘in thing’ now to leave a review for restaurants, services and places online. These can be helpful to those who come along after you, to those looking for the same thing you did.
But have you ever seen a review of a Domestic Violence Services program?
That’s exactly what we found when we logged onto our Facebook page recently. A consumer had left a review saying their experience with the Unity House Domestic Violence Services program was a positive one. They referred to the team as ‘awesome sauce.’ Honestly, we’re not sure what makes up awesome sauce, but it must be a program that offers comprehensive services to all victims of domestic violence. No easy feat when you consider the diverse needs and circumstances of people dealing with abuse, stalking, intimidation or controlling behavior. The Domestic Violence Services program at Unity House offers:
- Safety planning
- Safe shelter
- Safe shelter for animals
- Legal services for civil matters
- Counseling
- NYS office of victim services application assistance
- Cell phones
- Referrals
- Advocacy
- Housing assistance
The program, often shortened to DV for domestic violence, also offers community education, outreach and training. We are proud of our public awareness campaigns and partnerships with community agencies interested in dealing with the serious issue of domestic violence. The program offers teen services, which are especially important when you consider that teens who experience dating abuse are much more likely to find themselves in an abusive relationship as adults.
Counselors are available 24 hours a day to provide crisis intervention, information and referrals to victims and survivors, concerned family members, friends, organizations and members of the community. There is help and support available. Many options and services are available and Unity House can help those dealing with domestic violence find the options that are right for their individual situation. All services of the Domestic Violence Services program at Unity House are voluntary, confidential and free of charge.
We’re not sure what the Awesome Sauce reviewer’s situation was, but we’re glad she was able to take advantage of what is on offer and change her situation for the better. If we had to write a review of a review, we’d probably give hers 5 stars. By posting a review she has shared her experience. By sharing she has offered hope to others who may be in similar straits and helped shine a light on an issue many would rather shy away from. In short, she’s Awesome Sauce.
Help is available 24 hours a day: (518) 272-2370.