DV means Domestic Violence
The Unity House Domestic Violence Services program offers safe space to all victims of dating and domestic abuse. In February, the Unity House team expands their work to include more outreach for February’s Teen DV Awareness and Prevention month, which includes #LoveIsRespect week (Feb. 13-17), in which people wear the color orange to help raise awareness about this issue.
Did you Know…
Up to 33% of adolescents in America are victim to sexual, physical, verbal or emotional dating abuse? Teens who experience such behavior don’t often have the resources to put such abuse in context, increasing the likelihood they suffer from abusive relationships in adulthood. It’s important to have open lines of communication and safe spaces in which to talk about respect, boundaries, and healthy relationships among teens.
Fortunately, staff at Unity House’s DV Services program have formed partnerships in the community that allow them to take the conversation to where teens are: in high school, at youth groups, in teen community programs and online where teens meet and chat. After a month of advocacy, outreach, and awareness events, Unity House will come together with other area partners to host a teen event: Take a Stand Against Teen DV.
The event will be held on March 1st at the Troy Boys and Girls Club in South Troy and is free to area teenagers. There will be speakers, break out groups, a selfie station, workshops, resources, performers, and more at this event geared toward youth in our community. Community partners include:
CEO Youth Build
Sexual Assault & Crime Victims Assistance Program (St. Peter’s – Troy Unit)
The Block Center
Troy Boys and Girls Club
Troy High WAVE Club
Unity House
For more information this this event, please contact us at Volunteer@unityhouseny.org