Annual event a chance for outreach
The 12th Annual Troy Chowderfest on October 7th, Columbus Day weekend, will have great food and fun. If you go, look for a table staffed by the domestic violence services team from Unity House. Chances are, there will be lots of purple, which is the signature color to raise awareness about domestic violence. The idea is to not only shine a light on this serious issue, but that such light may also serve as a beacon of hope for those who may be victims of domestic violence.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month and Unity House staff and volunteers will be out and about in the community raising awareness, sharing resources, and providing outreach- especially to rural and other underserved areas of out community.
For more information on the program, its outreach efforts and how you can help victims become survivors, contact us at (518) 274-2607 x4133.
A reminder: help is always available for people suffering from dating or domestic abuse. Contact the 24 Hour Unity House Domestic Violence Hotline at (518) 272-2370