Director of Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Addresses Intervention and Prevention
Tabitha Dunn, Director of Domestic and Sexual Violence Services at Unity House spoke with Fidelis Care about October’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness Month (#DVAM). The article shines a light on a topic that would benefit from more awareness. Studies show that when victims of abuse see a community that cares about the topic, they are more willing to reach out for help. Visibility not only serves as a beacon of hope for those who may be suffering in silence, shining a light on the topic of domestic and sexual violence is also part of necessary prevention work.
Help is Always Available
Survivors benefit from knowing they are not alone. There are many services and referral resources for those seeking help in ending a relationship that has become abusive. At Unity House, we offer help 24/7 through our hotline, webchat, and text-for-help. In general, all our services are free, voluntary, and confidential. You can learn more about our services here.
About Tabitha Dunn
Tabitha oversees one of the largest domestic and sexual violence services programs in Upstate NY, including a 40-bed shelter, extensive housing subsidy offerings serving approximately 160 households, a large prevention and education program focused in part on serving high-risk youth, a clinical mental health program, and oversees the Unity House Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team.