News + Events


Mary Jane Smith Recognized

Friday, June 3rd is a proud day for Unity House! Mary Jane Smith, one of the founders of Unity House, is being honored by the Capital Region Chamber as a Woman of Excellence. The awards are a yearly event in which seven Capital Region women who have achieved success in their professional careers and dedicated themselves… more

Childcare Workers Lowest Paid

Chris Burke, CEO of Unity House talks about the serious issues looming ahead for child care centers in New York state.  In his words, “To help moderate income families who do not qualify for child care subsidies but are already struggling to make ends meet, the state should explore how to increase its Child Tax… more

Mary Jane Smith Honored by Justice Studies Association

Mary Jane Smith, one of the founders of Unity House, was honored by the Justice Studies Association at their annual conference in Albany on June 1st. In 1971 Unity House was founded by Regis Obijiski, Peter Calagahan and Mary Jane Smith. The trio were committed to the ideals of social justice and chose to live in a low-income neighborhood in urban Troy… more

Collars Up for Kate!

That’s Kate Mullany in case you’ve been living under a rock. Kate Mullany, Troy’s most famous labor organizer, will be inducted into Labor’s International Hall of Fame on May 19th. To mark this special occasion Unity House staff will be turning up their collars, maybe even rolling up some cuffs! In addition, anyone wearing a collared… more

Staff from ReStyle and Unity House visit Veterans Miracle Center in Albany

For one thing, it’s appropriately named. The Veterans Miracle Center in Albany is just that. A place where, miraculously, veterans can access needed items. They say it’s where heroes find hope. Staff from Unity House and the manager of ReStyle, Unity House’s store, visited the Veterans Miracle Center to learn more after meeting Barry Feinman, the… more

Breathing Lights Coming to Capital District

Have you heard of Breathing Lights, the community art installation that will illuminate vacant buildings? The project was in the news when it won funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies through its Public Art Challenge initiative. The funding will make it possible for artists to create this public installation art in Albany, Schenectady and Troy. The project… more

Unity House has Team for Paws in the Park

Each year the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society hosts Paws in the Park at Siena College in Loudonville. It’s a great day of raising awareness of the organization’s important work and raising funds for that work. A little known facet of the humane society’s work is fostering pets for victims of domestic violence. Did you know that some… more

Veterans Welcome Initiative

Unity House is working more with area groups and experts who work on issues facing our country’s veterans. In doing so, Unity House will launch a Veterans Welcome Initiative, Unity House can tailor existing services to meet the needs of veterans looking for support and access to services or referrals. To that end, Unity House is… more

Unity House Ambassadors join the Parade!

Unity House’s Ambassadors, peer-to-peer mentors who perform outreach, will be marching in the Lansingburgh Memorial Day Parade. Wearing their signature Unity House green colors, the group will march with a Unity House banner and will walk in solidarity with veterans and their families from around the area. The Memorial Day parade will be on Monday, May… more

A Colored Ribbon for Everything

It seems those ribbons come in every color. Pink for breast cancer, red for HIV/AIDS, and more. You see one and you know it’s for something, but maybe you’re not sure what. It’s great to see campaigns that raise awareness of and support for the issues that affect us. There’s one cause that still carries quite… more